
Showing posts from February, 2018

Tickets 28th February

Good day, Gustafans, Welcome to the new week, as usual we've gathered games from our whatsapp groups (1 & 2)  Here are the current games, we will continue to update the page regularly when new games are listed 6MZP3ZB 6MZQPM9 6MZQTQY 6N2F7Y3 Continue to check here for updates on new odds and inclusions Remember to place your bets using the  old mobile version  of bet9ja (and if you aren't using bet9ja as your betting

TICKETS 27th Feb 2018 (click to view)

Good day, Gustafans, Welcome to the new week, as usual we've gathered games from our whatsapp groups (1 & 2)  Here are the current games, we will continue to update the page regularly when new games are listed 6MVQ79G 6MVXR5C 6MW6SHT 6MW6X7Z (high odd) Continue to check here for updates on new odds and inclusions Remember to place your bets using the  old mobile version  of bet9ja (and if you aren't using bet9ja as your betting


Good day, Gustafans, Welcome to the new week, as usual we've gathered games from our whatsapp groups (1 & 2)  Here are the current games, we will continue to update the page regularly when new games are listed 6MPWGZD 6MQSX78 6MQTBQ5 6MQV7KB 6MQWSH6 Continue to check here for updates on new odds and inclusions Remember to place your bets using the  old mobile version  of bet9ja (and if you aren't using bet9ja as your betting

TICKETS 24th Feb (click to view)

Happy weekend Gustafans, Welcome to the new week, as usual we've gathered games from our whatsapp groups (1 & 2)  Here are the current games, we will continue to update the page regularly when new games are listed. 6MFGWQT 6MFGQL6 6MDHDXX 6MFBQKT 6MFBXF5 6MD6ZP9 6MCY5PV 6M9VQGX 6MFCTV8 Continue to check here for updates on new odds and inclusions Remember to place your bets using the  old mobile version  of bet9ja (and if you aren't using bet9ja as your betting


Great  day,  Gustafans, Welcome to the new week, as usual we've gathered games from our whatsapp groups (1 & 2)  Games to rebook B930EZRCQSECSC-3634727 Here are the current games, we will continue to update the page regularly when new games are listed. 6M5HMZK 6M763 XC 6M772XH 6M77BHG 6M3NQ7L 6M68Z53 6M6C9M9 6M6HQPR 6M6HYB9 6M6JD2P 6M6JHX6 Continue to check here for updates on new odds and inclusions Remember to place your bets using the  old mobile version  of bet9ja (and if you aren't using bet9ja as your betting

Updated TICKETS 22ND FEB 2018

Great  day,  Gustafans, Welcome to the new week, as usual we've gathered games from our whatsapp groups (1 & 2)  Here are the current games, we will continue to update the page regularly when new games are listed .  6LZ6HFQ 6LVT22L 6LXYRVH 6LXYXGF 6LX6R7P 6LXGYB7 6LWF5TF 6LVS7GR 6LXXHTY 6LXXRNS 6LRSGH6 6LXZ3 XL Continue to check here for updates on new odds and inclusions Remember to place your bets using the  old mobile version  of bet9ja (and if you aren't using bet9ja as your betting platform contact us at As always, we state clearly that our games are usually  over 100 odds,  but you are permitted to edit the games as you wish. You may also share your games in the comment section or in our new  WhatsApp GRP 2  HERE Bet responsibly  and remember to live wisely too. These are  NOT   fixed games  or  sure bet  as they call it . The...

Tickets 21st Feb (Click to view more)

Great day,  Gustafans, Welcome to the new week, as usual we've gathered games from our whatsapp groups (1 & 2)  Here are the current games, we will continue to update the page regularly when new games are listed .  6LRDZQJ 6LRKDJ8 6LRGGWH 6LRHNZ9 6 LRLXYY 6LRHSTK 6LRHX5T 6LRJ7FR 6LRJJ66 6 LRKPWH 6LRKWB2 (high odds) Continue to check here for updates on new odds and inclusions Remember to place your bets using the  old mobile version  of bet9ja (and if you aren't using bet9ja as your betting platform contact us at As always, we state clearly that our games are usually  over 100 odds,  but you are permitted to edit the games as you wish. You may also share your games in the comment section or in our new  WhatsApp GRP 2  HERE Bet responsibly  and remember to live wisely too. These are  NOT   fixed games  or  sure bet  as they call it . They...


Great day,  Gustafans, Welcome to the new week, a s usual we've gathered games from our whatsapp groups (1 & 2)  Here are the current games, we will continue to update the page regularly when new games are listed .  Here are some games for us to rebook B944EZRTARRAST-3634727 B918EZRZWPRTQR-3634727 B943EZRZZTRRRW- 3634727 B957EZWZAERWPW-3634727 B944EZRTARRAST-3634727 B945EZRZZTWAZR-3634727 B911EZRATPTPRC-3634727 B934EZWZAERSTC-3634727 B945EZRRWWSTZR-3634727 B934EZRCQEWQWS-3634727 B931EZRCQESQZA-3634727 6LGGQ3W 6LGTXRQ 6LHMTCV 6LKDXF8 Continue to check here for updates on new odds and inclusions Remember to place your bets using the  old mobile version  of bet9ja (and if you aren't using bet9ja as your betting platform contact us at As always, we state clearly that our games are usually  over 100 odds,  but you are permitted to edit the games as you wish. You may al...


Great day,  Gustafans, Welcome to the new week, a s usual we've gathered games from our whatsapp groups (1 & 2)  Here are the current games, we will continue to update the page regularly when new games are listed .  Good luck ! 6LBYGHV 6LBYWTZ 6LC3JDG 6LC5ZCH 6LC96D2 6LCB5MZ Continue to check here for updates on new odds and inclusions Remember to place your bets using the  old mobile version  of bet9ja (and if you aren't using bet9ja as your betting platform contact us at As always, we state clearly that our games are usually  over 100 odds,  but you are permitted to edit the games as you wish. You may also share your games in the comment section or in our new  WhatsApp GRP 2  HERE Bet responsibly  and remember to live wisely too.  These are  NOT   fixed games  or  sure bet  as they call it .  They are predictions made by o...


Good day Gustafans, Akpan, our Nigerian premier league expert have made his predictions for the Nigerian Premier league fixtures today . Pls find below his game listings stake wisely. 6L92WB5 6L93TKT Akpan is a recognize punter who made good money predicting the NPL game, he is also a sport analyst and U17 head coach of the Calabar lanterns youth team. Disclaimer : Games posted on our platform are not guaranteed or sure odds as they call it. They are good predictions from our punters and social groups and are available for  FREE


Great day,  Gustafans, Happy weekend to you'll. We've gathered games from our whatsapp group as usual. We've collated some very good selections . Its advisable that we rebook these games below. Games to rebook B946EZRARRTTEW- 4557527 B951EZRTPEPTZE- 4557527 To use the rebook option, go to "check coupon " and input the code, edit the games as you wish before playing..All the best. Here are game selections from our punters today. 6L8LFG8 6L8LW59 6L895FJ 6L86J7H 6l63SQZ 6L6S7YN 6L5XKZM 6L657YN 6L6FPN3 6L76MS9 6L6 NKNX 6KRZ69L 6KSBHP8 6KR3SW8 6L7J55G Continue to check here for updates on new odds and inclusions Remember to place your bets using the  old mobile version  of bet9ja (and if you aren't using bet9ja as your betting platform contact us at As always, we state clearly that our games are usually  over 100 odds,  but you are permitted to edit the games as you wish. You may also share your ...


Great day,  Gustafans, Happy weekend to you'll. We've gathered games from our whatsapp group as usual. We've collated some very good selections . Its advisable that we rebook these games below. Games to rebook B92EZZZAQCCCW-5209438 B943EZWTREQWEW-5209438 To use the rebook option, go to "check coupon " and input the code, edit the games as you wish before playing..All the best. Here are game selections from our punters today. 6KXRZZZ 6KKL785 6KYKKH6 6KWGBK7 6KVVQQ3 6KVXLPV 6KXCB52 6KW5Q8B 6KXPMQV Continue to check here for updates on new odds and inclusions Remember to place your bets using the  old mobile version  of bet9ja (and if you aren't using bet9ja as your betting platform contact us at As always, we state clearly that our games are usually  over 100 odds,  but you are permitted to edit the games as you wish. You may also share your games in the comment section or in our new  WhatsApp G...


Great day,  Gustafans, We will like to congratulate members in the whatsapp group 2  for yesterday's winnings.  As usual we've gathered games from our whatsapp groups (1 & 2) .  Here are some games available to re-book     B943EZWTREQWEW-5209438 B92EZZZAQCCCW-5209438 B953EZWEZPRRZE-5209438 B941EZWZCZRESC-4314585 Good luck !!.. 6KNZ5JZ 6KNZC8N 6KNXKJC 6KPJ62Z 6KPGK8K 6KPKPC2 6KPLYZS Continue to check here for updates on new odds and inclusions Remember to place your bets using the  old mobile version  of bet9ja (and if you aren't using bet9ja as your betting platform contact us at As always, we state clearly that our games are usually  over 100 odds,  but you are permitted to edit the games as you wish. You may also share your games in the comment section or in our new  WhatsApp GRP 2  HERE Bet responsibly  and remember to ...

UPDATED TICKETS 15th FEB 2018 (Click to view more)

Great day,  Gustafans, Good day to you'll. We've gathered games from our whatsapp group as usual.  Games to rebook B94EQCECEETRT-3634727 B943EZWEZPSPSA-5209438 B92EZZZAQCCCW-5209438 B94EZZREAWTSQ-5209438 B959EZWEWSECAP-5209438 B919EZWPRERSAT-4850043 B949EZZZRSTASZ-4850043 B919EZWAQWTEPZ-4291559 New games to rebook B912EZWAQQQSRQ- 5175575 B955EZWTQCQPZP- 5175575 B91EZWTACWCZZ- 5175575 B95EZWTEATZRA- 5175575 B950EZWTEEWWCP- 5175575 B912EZWTEPTQRW- 5175575 B96EZWTPCAZRP- 5175575 B946EZWTPRPRZW- 5175575 B913EZWAQSSCZQ- 5175575 To use the rebook option, go to "check coupon " and input the code, edit the games as you wish before playing..All the best. Here are game selections from our punters today 6KJWD3L (new) 6KJZGMM (new) 6KJYDCL (new) 6KK23VP (new) 6KGMFTB 6KHN9 XC 6KK23VP 6KJ2CG2 6KJ5C63 6KKL785 (40m high risk) 6KKMSKX (new) 6KKLZ3G (new) Continue to check here for updates on new odds and inclusions Remember to place your bets us...


Great day,  Gustafans, Happy valentine to you'll. We've gathered games from our whatsapp group as usual. After Wigan's shocking performance yesterday, we've collated some very good selections which went bad. Its advisable that we rebook these games below. Games to rebook B910EZQSTSETAS-5105863 B935EZZZSASQCQ-4204115 B940EZZRAASSCR-5209438 B949EZWPTCCCCQ-5209438 B918EZWPZRRETW-5209438 B91EZWPWPAPTR-5209438 B924EZWPRATEAP-5209438 B916EZWPWPACPC-5209438 B925EZWPWQRCCA-5209438 B945EZWPCEWRQE-5209438 To use the rebook option, go to "check coupon " and input the code, edit the games as you wish before playing..All the best. Here are game selections from our punters today 6KBKQ7Q 6JZVNVV 6KC9X8 X 6JZVFMX 6JZW2WP 6K2FD8G 6K2FZJG 6K2FTR3 6K2 GFMZ 6K2GPFN 6K2GT9B 6K2H3CD 6K2H9S5 6K2HFT8 6KCJBWP 6KC2HKX Akpan's prediction om NPL Enyimba VS Plateau (Home win  2:1) Continue to check here for updates on new odds and inclusions Rem...


Great day,  Gustafans, Welcome to the third week of February.   As usual we've gathered games from our whatsapp group as usual.  Games to rebook B917EZZCEESQPC-4585628 B946EZZCPTRATA-4585628 B956EZZRRETCQP-4585628 Here are game selections from our punters today, most of the games listed here are long terms games. Good luck !!.. 6K7NTW5 (New) 6K7LZ79  (New) 6K6P863 (New ) 6K36R7 J 6K3QKHR 6K35VGY 6K365PQ 6K37P7N 6K37QZ3 6K37SDR 6K37TZV 6K3DJXf 6K3DJXp 6K3KVCY 6K3L28G 6K5XZ88 Continue to check here for updates on new odds and inclusions Remember to place your bets using the  old mobile version  of bet9ja (and if you aren't using bet9ja as your betting platform contact us at As always, we state clearly that our games are usually  over 100 odds,  but you are permitted to edit the games as you wish. You may also share your games in the comment section or in our new  WhatsApp GRP...


Great day,  Gustafans, Welcome to the third week of February.    As usual we've gathered games from our whatsapp group as usual.  Here are game selections from our punters today, most of the games listed here are long terms games. Good luck !!.. 6JWWB5Q 6JXBC9F 6JSGHZL 6JXDL7Q 6JXHWDS 6JVSYNG 6JVR8LC 6JVQVGF 6JVN5YM 6JVL77K 6JVMSJ3 Continue to check here for updates on new odds and inclusions Remember to place your bets using the  old mobile version  of bet9ja (and if you aren't using bet9ja as your betting platform contact us at As always, we state clearly that our games are usually over 100 odds, but you are permitted to edit the games as you wish. You may also share your games in the comment section or in our new  WhatsApp GRP 2  HERE Bet responsibly  and remember to live wisely too.  These are  NOT   fixed games  or  sure bet ...

NPF Predictions

Good day Gustafans, Akpan, our Nigerian premier league expert have made his predictions for the Nigerian Premier league fixtures today. He is certain of an ALL HOME WIN fixtures today. Pls find below his game listings stake wisely. 6JT8PKV 6JT9PTW 6 JTCJMG Akpan is a recognize punter who made good money predicting the NPL game, he is also a sport analyst and U17 head coach of the Calabar lanterns youth team. Disclaimer : Games posted on our platform are not guaranteed or sure odds as they call it. They are good predictions from our punters and social groups and are available for FREE

TICKETS 11th FEB (Click to view)

Happy Weekend , Gustafans, Here are game selections from our WhatsApp groups and punters today.  As usual we have few games that you may want to rebook B931EZZSCZASZA-4864701 B94EZZARZAZPT-4557527 B932EZZAQSQRTC-5209438 Today's selections 6JRTSLF 6JRHK3M 6JRSMGR 6JRDKC8 6JRGBNB 6JRVMWB 6JRLLBT 6JRJWJN 6JRZJNH Continue to check here today for new updates on odds and inclusions Remember to place your bets using the  old mobile version  of bet9ja (and if you aren't using bet9ja as your betting platform contact us at As always, we state clearly that our games are over 100 odds, but you are permitted to edit the games as you wish. You may also share your games in the comment section or in our new  WhatsApp GRP 2  HERE Bet responsibly  and remember to live wisely too. These are  NOT   fixed games  or  sure bet  as they call it .  They are predictions made by our te...

Tickets 10th Feb 2018 (Click to view)

Great start to the weekend, Gustafans, We've gathered games from our whatsapp group as usual.  Here are some already booked games for you to rebooked B950EZQASESSZC-2956301 Here are game selections from our punters today. 6JMJT39 6JJYR82 6JLGJS3 6JKQ96 L 6JK6FDY 6JK9DW6 6JLS7MC 6JLGF8G 6JKGHPR 6JLFRBD 6JL8Y5Z 6JLN5MQ 6JM8DBN Continue to check here for updates on new odds and inclusions Remember to place your bets using the  old mobile version  of bet9ja (and if you aren't using bet9ja as your betting platform contact us at As always, we state clearly that our games are over 100 odds, but you are permitted to edit the games as you wish. You may also share your games in the comment section or in our new  WhatsApp GRP 2  HERE Bet responsibly  and remember to live wisely too. These are  NOT   fixed games  or  sure bet  as they call it .  They are predictions ma...

10th Feb 2018 (Click to view)

Great start to the weekend, Gustafans, We've gathered games from our whatsapp group as usual.  Here are some already booked games for you to rebooked B950EZQASESSZC-2956301 Here are game selections from our punters today. 6JJYR82 6JLGJS3 6JK6FDY 6JK9DW6 6JKGHPR 6JLFRBD 6JL8Y5Z 6JLN5MQ 6JM8DBN Continue to check here for updates on new odds and inclusions Remember to place your bets using the  old mobile version  of bet9ja (and if you aren't using bet9ja as your betting platform contact us at As always, we state clearly that our games are over 100 odds, but you are permitted to edit the games as you wish. You may also share your games in the comment section or in our new  WhatsApp GRP 2  HERE Bet responsibly  and remember to live wisely too. These are  NOT   fixed games  or  sure bet  as they call it .  They are predictions made by our team. They are also  F...


Great day,  Gustafans, Welcome to the second week of February.    As usual we've gathered games from our whatsapp group as usual.  Here are some already booked games for you to rebooked B950EZQASESSZC-2956301 Here are game selections from our punters today. 6JCNRXN 6JC8WDB 6JCB9B9 6JCDKYG 6JCT5M9 6JCXPMG Updates 6jdg2ll 6jdclg7 6jdd865 Continue to check here for updates on new odds and inclusions Remember to place your bets using the  old mobile version  of bet9ja (and if you aren't using bet9ja as your betting platform contact us at As always, we state clearly that our games are over 100 odds, but you are permitted to edit the games as you wish. You may also share your games in the comment section or in our new  WhatsApp GRP 2  HERE Bet responsibly  and remember to live wisely too.  These are  NOT   fixed games  or  sure bet  as they call...

TICKETS 8th Feb 2018

Great day,  Gustafans, Welcome to the second week of February.    As usual we've gathered games from our whatsapp group as usual.  Here are some already booked games for you to rebooked B958EZQASEASTW-2956301 B950EZQASESSZC-2956301 Here are game selections from our punters today. 6HYBJ9L 6J66VDG 6J75RDR 6J3RCJV 6J6ZJTW 6J6MYHW Updated Games 6J7CDZT 6HZ7J3V 6J7VXYH 6J7WGTS 6J7V58M Continue to check here for updates on new odds and inclusions Remember to place your bets using the  old mobile version  of bet9ja (and if you aren't using bet9ja as your betting platform contact us at As always, we state clearly that our games are over 100 odds, but you are permitted to edit the games as you wish. You may also share your games in the comment section or in our new  WhatsApp GRP 2  HERE Bet responsibly  and remember to live wisely too.  These are  ...


Great start to the week,  Gustafans, Welcome to the second week of February. We will like to congratulate members of the group 1 and 2 who won in yesterday's edited games.  As usual we've gathered games from our whatsapp group as usual. Here are game selections from our punters today. 6HZKKWR 6HZQXQD 6HZW8GD 6HZT86C 6HZ28VF 6HWD7DJ 6HZJJV7 Continue to check here for updates on new odds and inclusions Remember to place your bets using the  old mobile version  of bet9ja (and if you aren't using bet9ja as your betting platform contact us at As always, we state clearly that our games are over 100 odds, but you are permitted to edit the games as you wish. You may also share your games in the comment section or in our new WhatsApp GRP 2  HERE Bet responsibly and remember to live wisely too.  These are NOT fixed games or sure bet as they call it .  They are predictions made by ou...


Great start to the week, Gustafans, Welcome to the second week of February. As usual we've gathered games from our whatsapp group as usual. Here are game selections from one of our punters today. 6HXXNVZ (new) 6HWXZYP (new) 6HWYCD9 (new) 6HWYG5Z (new) 6HWBHRR 6HW98JL 6HWC5HY 6HWCZJT 6HWD7 DJ Continue to check here for updates on new odds and inclusions Remember to  place  your bets using the  old mobile version  of bet9ja (and if you aren't using bet9ja as your betting platform contact us at  gustavobetsng@

TICKET 5th FEB (Click to view more)

Great start to the week, Gustafans, Welcome to the second week of February. As usual we've gathered games from our whatsapp group as usual. Here are game selections from one of our punters today. 6HQX96 H 6HR7WW2 6HRKK7S 6HR5XRX 6HRVJZ5 6HRP67 D Continue to check here for updates on new odds and inclusions Remember to  place  your bets using the  old mobile version  of bet9ja (and if you aren't using bet9ja as your betting platform contact us at  gustavobetsng@

Ticket 4th Feb (click to view more)

Hallos Gustafans, Welcome to the first weekend of February. As usual we've gathered games from our whatsapp group as usual. Here are game selections from our whatsapp groups today. 6HMWR26 6HLP8G5 6HMMXSM 6HMRLF7 6HMVDR8 6HM6R5X 6 HMLKGQ Continue to check here for updates on new odds and inclusions Remember to  place  your bets using the  old mobile version  of bet9ja (and if you aren't using bet9ja as your betting platform contact us at  gustavobetsng@

TICKET 3rd FEB 2018 (Click to view more)

Hallos Gustafans, Welcome to the first week of February. As usual we've gathered games from our whatsapp group as usual. There are many games from yesterday which are still running, you may rebook them below. Current running games   B958EZAZQSWQTW-2956301 B99EZAZCQQSWS-2956301 B919EZARSEAQEW-2956301 B949EZARSQAREP-2956301 B958EZARSZAQEW-2956301 B925EZARSZRTWQ-2956301 B941EZARSRCERP-2956301 B934EZARAQWAAW-2956301 B933EZARAZPQQS-2956301 B939EZAAERQPTR-4371005 B92EZAAQEAZPW-4371005 Here are game selections from our whatsapp groups today. 6HF2 LLW 6HF3FSX 6HF2ZP2 6HFHR9G 6HFNS9X 6 HFPJYK Continue to check here for updates on new odds and inclusions Remember to  place  your bets using the  old mobile version  of bet9ja (and if you aren't using bet9ja as your betting platform contact us at  gustavobetsng@

Updated TICKET 2nd FEBRUARY 2018 (Click to view more)

Good day Gustafans, Welcome to the new month. We've gathered games from our whatsapp group as usual. Current running games ; B939EZAEPCTAWZ-4371005 B92EZAAQEAZPW-4371005 B939EZAAERQPTR-4371005 B910EZSCZZPPAR-4371005 Here are game selections from our whatsapp groups today. 6h7gjcj 6h7glwl 6g28nvn 6H8WNPQ 6H7HJTF 6H7QVC6 6H7K8 ND 6H7879D 6H5F5 PL 6H7M6FK 6H7C75Z 6H7CF36 6H7CP8G 6H73T36 6H3YH95 6H6TRRC 6H655W2 6H7DSH5 6H65D9C 6H522PS 6H3XL38 6H3WZFL 6H3685N 6H7DQQS Continue to check here for updates on new odds and inclusions Remember to place your bets using the  old mobile version  of bet9ja (and if you aren't using bet9ja as your betting platform contact us at  gustavobetsng@  for the game listing). As always, we state clearly that our games are over 100 odds, but you are permitted to edit the games as you wish. You may also share your games in the comment section or in our new WhatsApp GRP 2  HERE Bet responsibly and r...


Good day Gustafans, Welcome to the new month. We've gathered games from our suggestions whatsapp group as usual. Current running games.. B939EZAEPCTAWZ-4371005 B92EZAAQEAZPW-4371005 B939EZAAERQPTR-4371005 B910EZSCZZPPAR-4371005 Here are game selections from our whatsapp groups today. 6GZKZP6 6GZM97M 6H289SF 6H2CMWB 6H29F29 Continue to check here for updates on new odds and inclusions Remember to place your bets using the  old mobile version  of bet9ja (and if you aren't using bet9ja as your betting platform contact us at  gustavobetsng@  for the game listing). As always, we state clearly that our games are over 100 odds, but you are permitted to edit the games as you wish. You may also share your games in the comment section or in our new WhatsApp GRP 2  HERE Bet responsibly and remember to live wisely too. These are not fixed games or sure bet as they call it ..they are predictions made by our team. They are also Free